[H-GEN] Re: [H-ANNOUNCE] Constitutional amendments

Kawani fiona at pion.humbug.org.au
Wed Jun 24 06:16:09 EDT 1998

On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Anthony Towns wrote:

> > We have allowd this Constitutionally in the past.  I am in 2 minds as to
> > whether it is a good idea or not.  So far no proxy vote has ever been
> > crucial in a result, and that is probably a good thing.  If we are
> > reviewing it, I would suggest removing the provision for proxy votes.
> If it's because people who can't attend meetings aren't likely to be as
> well informed as those who can, then we should address that problem by
> giving them more of an opportunity to get informed; not by arbitrarily
> deciding that their opinions aren't worth listening to.

On this note, as I was responsible for the counting of the quorum at the
last few SGM's I would like to point out that we would not have made
quorum nor would a decision regarding the positions have been made without
the proxies.   Especially in the last SGM the proxies were vital to make
quorum.  Just thought that I would let you know.

Fiona McRae
Treasurer - HUMBUG (Home Unix Machine Brisbane Users Group)
		!  EMAIL: kawani at humbug.org.au, treasurer at humbug.org.au,  !
		!          URL: http://www.humbug.org.au/~kawani          !

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