[H-GEN] wget

The memory remains memory at humbug.org.au
Sat Jan 17 17:00:38 EST 1998


	Now that the mood is set, here's the scenareo:

	I'm trying to download the ada manual.  I started a wget last 
night with the following command line:

	wget -r http://www.adahome.com/rm95/ --accept=html -l0 -L 

	It gave me five files files:
	README-author.html     README-credits.html    index.html
	README-copyright.html  README-help.html

	(nb -L is supposed to be follow only reletave links)

	I then tried wget -r http://www.adahome.com/rm95/ --accept=html -l0
	and left it overnight while I got some sleep.

	It must have gotten every html on the site except the ones I 
wanted which are files like rm9x-syntax.html.

	Why doesn't wget find these files.

	I'm sure we've got a wget expert here somewhere who can help me 

	The original file is attached.  Apologies to the anti-mime 

        The memory remains <memory at humbug.org.au>

            ///      ///  ///  ///            ///   ///
           /// ///  ///  ///   ///  ///  ///      ///
          ///            //   ///               ///
         /// ///  ///       ///   ////////    ///
        ///      ///    /////               ///

        Web page at http://student.uq.edu.au/~s335810
-------------- next part --------------
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<h1 align=center>Ada 95 Reference Manual</h1>

<p><small>This is KSCE's hypertext version of
the Ada 95 Reference Manual (Language and Standard Libraries),
revised international standard (ISO/IEC 8652:1995):
<i>Information Technology -- Programming Languages -- Ada</i>.
The entry point is the table of contents (TOC), with three "zoom levels".
Current TOC level:
sections (--). You may zoom to list also <a href="rm9x-toc-l1.html">clauses (--.--)</a> or clauses and <a href="rm9x-toc-l2.html">subclauses (--.--.--)</a>.</small></p>

<p align=center><b><a href="rm9x-cover.html">Cover Page</a>
| <a href="rm9x-foreword.html">Foreword</a>
| <a href="rm9x-intro.html">Introduction</a>
| <a href="rm9x-index.html">Index</a></b></p>

<p align=center><b><a href="/cgi-bin/findrm9x">Find</a>
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<hr size=3 width="90%"><table cellpadding=2 width="100%"><tr valign=top><td width="50%">
<p><b><big><a name="core">Core Language</a></big></b></p>
1. <a href="rm9x-01.html">General</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-01.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
2. <a href="rm9x-02.html">Lexical Elements</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-02.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
3. <a href="rm9x-03.html">Declarations and Types</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-03.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
4. <a href="rm9x-04.html">Names and Expressions</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-04.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
5. <a href="rm9x-05.html">Statements</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-05.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
6. <a href="rm9x-06.html">Subprograms</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-06.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
7. <a href="rm9x-07.html">Packages</a>
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8. <a href="rm9x-08.html">Visibility Rules</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-08.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
9. <a href="rm9x-09.html">Tasks and Synchronization</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-09.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
10. <a href="rm9x-10.html">Program Structure and Compilation Issues</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-10.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
11. <a href="rm9x-11.html">Exceptions</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-11.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
12. <a href="rm9x-12.html">Generic Units</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-12.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
13. <a href="rm9x-13.html">Representation Issues</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-13.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
</td><td width="50%">
<p><b><big><a name="annexes">Annexes</a></big></b></p>
A. <a href="rm9x-A.html">Predefined Language Environment</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-A.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
B. <a href="rm9x-B.html">Interface to Other Languages</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-B.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
C. <a href="rm9x-C.html">Systems Programming</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-C.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
D. <a href="rm9x-D.html">Real-Time Systems</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-D.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
E. <a href="rm9x-E.html">Distributed Systems</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-E.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
F. <a href="rm9x-F.html">Information Systems</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-F.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
G. <a href="rm9x-G.html">Numerics</a>
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H. <a href="rm9x-H.html">Safety and Security</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-H.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
J. <a href="rm9x-J.html">Obsolescent Features</a>
-- <a href="rm9x-toc-J.html"><i><small>[toc]</small></i></a>
K. <a href="rm9x-K.html">Language-Defined Attributes</a>
L. <a href="rm9x-L.html">Language-Defined Pragmas</a>
M. <a href="rm9x-M.html">Implementation-Defined Characteristics</a>
N. <a href="rm9x-N.html">Glossary</a>
P. <a href="rm9x-P.html">Syntax Summary</a>
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