Stuart Longland stuartl at longlandclan.hopto.org
Tue Dec 30 20:38:00 EST 2003

Brenton Bills wrote:

> I am trying to conver an EBCDIC file to ASCII, I am using the command,
> dd conv=ascii if=infile of=new.txt

I just tried the following...

(11:32) stuartl at beast stuartl $ dd if=Configure.help 
of=Configure.help.ebcdic conv=ebcdic
2386+1 records in
2386+1 records out

 >> got me an EBCDIC-encoded file: Configure.help.ebcdic

(11:32) stuartl at beast stuartl $ less Configure.help.ebcdic
"Configure.help.ebcdic" may be a binary file.  See it anyway? y


 >> I see more random junk like the above (I assume this is what EBCDIC 
 >> looks like when viewed as ASCII).  Now to convert back...

(11:32) stuartl at beast stuartl $ dd if=Configure.help.ebcdic 
of=Configure.help.ascii conv=ascii
2386+1 records in
2386+1 records out
(11:32) stuartl at beast stuartl $ less Configure.help.ascii
# Maintained by:
#       Eric S. Raymond <mailto:esr at thyrsus.com>
#       Steven Cole <mailto:elenstev at mesatop.com>
# Translations of this file available on the WWW:
#   - Japanese, maintained by the JF Project <mailto:JF at linux.or.jp>, at
#     <http://www.linux.or.jp/JF/JFdocs/Configure.help/>

Looks like that's back to ASCII... Hope this helps.
| Stuart Longland           stuartl at longlandclan.hopto.org |
| Brisbane Mesh Node: 719             http://stuartl.cjb.net/ |
| I haven't lost my mind - it's backed up on a tape somewhere |
| Atomic Linux Project    <--->    http://atomicl.berlios.de/ |

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