[H-GEN] IPTables problem

Robert Brockway robert at timetraveller.org
Mon Jul 19 01:52:58 EDT 2004

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Harry Phillips wrote:

> MYIP="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
> EXT_IF=""
> iptables -A INPUT -i $EXT_IF -s $MYIP -p tcp --syn --destination-port 22
> It still allows *anyone* to connect to port 22 on the IP address
>, why? Is it because the second IP is just an alias?

Hi Harry.  The switch -i is for an interface not an IP address, so you
would use eth0 or eth0:0.  I'm surprised you are not getting an error on

If you have the appliance redirecting packets to a particular address on
the Linux box ( in this case) then that is the only address the
Linux box will see external packets arriving too (destination address).

Try this:

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -i $EXT_IF -s $MYIP --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

I would not bother with -i in this case but I've left it in to illustrate
the point.

Note: This is untested.


Robert Brockway B.Sc. email: robert at timetraveller.org, rbrockway at uqconnect.net
Linux counter project ID #16440 (http://counter.li.org)
"The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens" -Baha'u'llah

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